About FIrst Film

Film and animation clubs for children aged 7-15. We run clubs over the UK with new ones starting all the time.

Each new term is a different topic and these range from stop-motion animation (plastercine & Lego), AI/computer generated animation to live -action film-making where the children are the stars.

We find the children love the clubs so much they stay into their teens so we have a wide age range. We work in small (age-similar) groups, usually two or three on animation projects.

Children are permitted to bring their own Lego/models but we do supply everything which is needed.

Our clubs

North London











Bristol Teens (12-16)



What our kids said

Special Effects

"We got in front of the greenscreen and pretended we were flying then edited it in all together so it looked REEEAAL" (Poppy, 8)

Animated Fruit

"Our group made lots of talking fruit out of plastercine and made them have an argument using sound clips of Donald Trump and Bugs Bunny" (Aaron, 10)

Hollywood Style

"My favourite thing about the club is building stuff out of Lego and then making it into the best Hollywood blockbuster EVER!!"

(Cassius, 9)

Lego Animation

"Our group stick to Star Wars animations mostly, but we have also done some amazing special effect" (Anon, 11) 

AI Special Effects

We used AI to generate human-like animals and then worked to lip-synch them using correct syllables to add realism (Jack, 15)

Cell Animation

"We made real cartoons by drawing separate pictures and photographing each one in turn" (Emily, 12)


Want to know more?

I am interested in my child joining the club or want to find out more information

Fill in the form and we'll get back to you ASAP


Begin your epic battle now

from adults only please